Regression, More Visualization, a Stock Tracker and AJAX
Here are some more articles that you may not have read, yet. Something for Pythonistas and Javascript programmers and, in particular for data visualizers.
The first is a tutorial on how to extend your Pandas plotting skills to include regression plots with Seaborn.
The second article a quick review of 5 visualization libraries for Python. I take a brief look at Matplotlib, Pandas plot, Seaborn, Plotnine and Mplfinance.
The third article uses the Python library yfinance to buils a stock tracker - I’ve also written a demonstrator web page that is linked to in the article.
The last article is about how Javascript programmers can say goodbye to XMLHttpRequest and use asynchronous function calls to update their web pages without having to reload them.
Lastly, since nearly all my articles are on Medium and Medium have its own mailing list for authors, it would make sense if you would consider subscribing to that, rather than this list - you can find a link at the end of each article. If enough people do this I’ll wind this list down and rely on Medium for new article alerts. Thanks.