Organize Your Data Science Projects with PPDAC — a Case Study
Define your problem, develop a plan, find the data, analyze the data and then communicate your conclusions — that’s PPDAC
It’s a good idea to have a goal and plan ahead when embarking on a new project. If you don’t have, at least, an idea of what it is you are trying to achieve then it will be difficult to know when you’ve achieved it! So, here is a simple method to help keep you on the right path - PPDAC.
PPDAC stands for five stages of data science project development: Problem, Plan, Data, Analysis, and Conclusion/Communication. Keeping these stages in mind will help to make your project successful.
I’ve described it here and walked through a simple case study.
Organize Your Data Science Projects with PPDAC — a Case Study (No paywall)
The inspiration for the use of the method and the case study came from the excellent The Art of Statistics: How to Learn from Data (affiliate link) by David Spiegelhalter, 2021, which is a very good introduction to the practical use of statistics through several case studies.