How to Create a Simple GIS Map with Plotly and Streamlit
Plotly map functions combined with Streamlit user interface components provide a way of creating GIS-style dashboards
This is a new tutorial/article on Medium that aims to emulate the kind of dashboard that we got used to seeing from the likes of Johns Hopkins University during 2020 and which tracked the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic.
How to Create a Simple GIS Map with Plotly and Streamlit (Medium - no paywall)
I begin by introducing the choropleth and scatter maps from Plotly Express and then explore how they can be used to display geographical data by using population data for Europe and Australia.
Developing this further, I combine the map functions from Plotly with the layout and user interface components in Streamlit to create a dashboard that illustrates the global, and national, growth of CO2 emissions over time.
I’ve deployed the complete app and pages that illustrate the stages that I went through in the article, in the Streamlit Community Cloud.
Here is a link: Towards a GIS using Plotly and Streamlit
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